- Applicant can complete the bottom portion of the form below and e-mail it to ecdev@esterhazysk.ca with the documents required for a plan review.
- DO NOT send this form directly to PBI. The top portion must be completed by our municipal official.
- Form is pdf-fillable. Type your responses, save as "PIF - Municipality Name", and e-mail it to the ecdev@esterhazysk.ca with your plan review documents.
Residential - Permit Information Form
The Checklist (download below) gives an overview of what is generally required for a plan review for residential building projects:
- Complete and sign the E-Mail Consent Form at the bottom of the checklist.
- Owner(s) should always include their e-mail address since they are ultimately responsible for compliance.
- Form is PDF-fillable. Type in the fields and then print, sign and scan. Print legibly in CAPITAL letters, if handwritten.