Where do I start?
A Development Permit as well as a site plan must be submitted to the Planning & Economic Development Director. There is no fee accompanied with a Development Permit.
How tall can I build my fence? FIGURE 1
Fence heights are limited to 1.0 meter in front yards and 2.0 meters in side and rear yards. See Figure 1. Aside from permitted accessory buildings, no building, fence or other structure may exceed 2 meters in height.
*Fences in Commercial and Industrial zoning districts must not exceed 2.4 m in height.*
Are there different restrictions for corner lots?
If your lot is located on a corner, sight line restrictions apply. See Figure 2.
What materials can I use to build my fence? FIGURE 2
The choice of design, construction and materials is up to the individual. However, screen fences must be consistent and compliment the quality of building design and materials of the primary building. Barbed wire or razor fences are NOT permitted in any district within the municipality.
Can I build a living fence?
YES! Fences can be made of living materials such as plants; however it is important to take into consideration the allowance of its mature size. Keep in mind that using any sort of plant as a fence requires frequent maintenance.
How do I determine my property lines?
No fence, hedge or other structure shall exceed ones property line. The minimum required depth of the front yard is 6.0 meters. It is the home owner’s responsibility to contact and pay all fees associated with Saskatchewan Land Surveyors to correctly locate property pins. Ensuring the accurate location of fencing relative to one’s property site lines is on the onus of the home owner. THE TOWN OF ESTERHAZY CANNOT LEGALLY LOCATE PROPERTY PINS AS THERE ARE NO CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYORS ON STAFF.
20/20 Geomatics: (306) 569-2020 | GeoVerra: 1-800-465-6233
If a neighbor is building a fence between two properties, is the other party obligated to pay half?
Cooperation between neighbors often results in cost-shared projects. The Town of Esterhazy has no jurisdiction in disputes arising over fence construction, cost or maintenance. These matters can be resolved through civil litigation.
Do I need to notify anyone before I start?
YES! To avoid serious injury or disruption of utility services, it is advised that you contact Sask First Call at least 48 hours prior to digging. There is no fee for this service.
1-866-828-4888 | www.sask1stcall.com
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